Briis products received a number of awards for their high quality.

Best Estonian Fish Product
In 2019 the winner of «Best Estonian Fish Products» was our new product – Mildly Salted Anchovy
In 2017 the winner of «Best Estonian Fish Products» was our new product – Fried Brisling in KIMCHI sauce.
In 2015 he contest took place for the 21-st time across several categories. The Best Seafood Product in 2015 named the Brisling Fillets Scandinavian way, Briis by DGM Shipping.
In 2012 Briis products were graduated for second time as “Best Estonian Fish Product”. The winner in 2012 was Spicy Brisling Fillets, Briis by DGM Shipping.
In 2011 three Briis trademark products were awarded the title of “Best Estonian Fish Product” at the first time. The winners of the contest in 2011 were three Briis fish products: Spiced Brisling Baltic style, Spicy Sprat Fillets in oil, Fried Baltic Herring.

Appreciated Estonian Taste
Our products under the brand name BRIIS have been granted with the certificate of “Appreciated Estonian Taste” in 2010, 2011,2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 . The sign ” Appreciated Estonian Taste ” with the image of a swallow is given to products, the main raw material for the production of which is 100% Estonian.
In all this years the following Briis products were awarded the honorary label “Appreciated Estonian Taste”:
2010 – Fried Baltic Herring
2011 – Spicy Sprat Fillets in oliv oil
2012 – Tallinn spiced sprats
2013 – Spicy Sprat Fillets, Spicy Sprat Fillets in oil, Baltic style spiced sprats, Tallinn spiced sprats
2014 – Delicacy sprat fillets in Scandinavian way
2015 – Spicy Sprat Fillets, Baltic style spiced sprats, Delicacy sprat fillets in Scandinavian way Whitebait Premium
2016 – Fried Baltic Herring, Spicy Sprat Fillets in oil, Balti vürtsikilud, Delicacy sprat fillets in Scandinavian way
2017 – Whitebait Premium 170 g

Moscow international food exhibition Prodexpo
Estonian sprat products Briis won three silver medals at the Moscow exhibition ” Prodexpo – 2011″.
In 2011, the DGM Shipping company brought from Moscow three silver medals for sprat under Briis trademark.
Estonian products from the sprat Briis received three silver medals from the Moscow exhibition ” Prodexpo – 2011″ – it’s Anchovies in olive oil, Baltic style spiced sprats and Spicy Sprat Fillets.

Riga food 2017
Gold Medal 2017
Spicy Brilsing Fillets, Spicy Brisling Fillets in OIL, Spicy Brisling Fillets Scandinavian Way
Silver Medal 2017
Fried Baltic Herring in Tomato Sauce, Fried Baltic Herring in home-style marinade, Fried Brisling in Kimchi Sauce
Finalist of Seafood Exposition’s in Brusseles Seafood Prix d’Elite
DGM Shipping was twice announced as the finalists of Seafood Prix d’Elite in Brussels, in 2012 and 2015.
There were 37 finalists representing 11 countries. Among them were announced Spicy Sprat Fillet from DGM Shipping.

We guarantee to our partners:
- High quality.
- Complete range.
- Timely delivery.
- Reasonable prices.
- Loyalty for regular clients.
- Special terms and conditions for large wholesale buyers.
We are ready to cooperate with anyone who is interested in the quality fish products steady supply.
Phone: +372 6386983
Faks: +372 6370107
E-mail: info@briis.eu
Nurmevälja str. 1
74114 Maardu, Estonia
Reg. nr. 10061617
KMKR EE100412077